What are Swap Providers?
A Swap Provider provides access to a Token-Swap within a dApp and access to a Fiat-On-Ramp to onboard new users into the ecosystem.
Why is it important?
Sending users away to other platforms to swap tokens is a bad user experience and creates potential user loss.
Embedding a form on the website allows users to swap tokens from different networks without leaving your platform. Users can stay the website and enjoy a better experience.
For Fiat purchases the user needs to be redirect to a Payment-Processor that ensures legal compliance, which still adds friction but removes the need to search for a trustworthy way to onboard the ecosystem.
How does it work?
Every Swap Provider has a unique link that can be embedded as an IFrame. The IFrame displays a form for the swap and a status of the swap-process. In the background third parties are managing the swap-process that define the minimum/maximum available amount for the swap and the exchange rate. In rare cases the swap-process can fail or require a KYC. In this case the user will be notified and support is provided directly.
Swapping a Token
Fiat On-Ramp
As a non-embedded version the Swap-Service is available at swap.vechain.energy (opens in a new tab) and the Fiat-On-Ramp at ramp.vechain.energy (opens in a new tab).